Monday, September 28, 2009

Month of Teeth

Ok since the month is almost over I guess it's time to fill in the blanks. First off Stephen had his 6 month check up since his back surgery in March. Everything looks good, he is healing well, his foot drop has improved tremendously.
Boston had dental work done on all of his molars, top and bottom. It was caused from de-calcification from antibiotics he had to take when he was teething. He was a trooper, he had to be put out for the procedure. The whole thing took less than an hour. Now, he has "Transformer" teeth. Children certainly are more resilient than we give them credit for. He went home and slept for about 3 hours, woke up and was right back to normal. I know it was harder on Stephen and myself than it was on him. It was like Christmas, he got a couple of new toys to keep him occupied, he got to eat lots of pudding, Popsicles, and mac and cheese it was a child's dream come true.
Me, on the other hand. I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled last Friday. Yes, I know most people get this done when they are younger, but I put it off, and then they got to the point where I had no choice. The procedure went fine, the meds where great. However, I think I have a dry socket, or let me rephrase that, I think I have had a dry socket for the past few days. People said, Oh no, you will know, well I am telling you, I NOW KNOW!! I just hope I haven't waited too long for them to be able to help me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Ok, here it is.
I lost 6lbs
4 inches off my hips
3 inches off my lower abs
in 6 weeks!
We start our new session next week! I can't wait!

Baby Kasen is Home......FINALLY

Proud Parents: Jessica and Bodie Beaman
Big Sister: Kelsey Ann Beaman

After a few days in NICU, don't worry everything is ok, There WAS a small air pocket that formed from his lungs that now is gone, Kasen and Jessica were able to come home yesterday Monday August 31. He is a happy, peaceful, and beautiful little boy. We are so happy to have this new addition in our family.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Baby Kasen is Here!

Kasen Lee Beaman
June 27, 2009
2:27 p.m.
8 lbs 10 oz
22 inches
Sons are a Heritage from the Lord, children a Reward from Him! Psalms 127:3
Daddy and Big Sister Kelsey bringing Kasen for us all to see!

Everyone is doing great! Jessica is at Harris Southwest off of Bryant Irvin in Fort Worth. She is due to come home Sunday. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fort Worth Zoo

Boston was our tour guide. Needless to say we back tracked a lot.
(That could be blamed on me too!)
Best entertainment for $1 I have had in a long time!

My little man is not so little anymore!
New Penguin exhibit. Small but nice.
I discovered the greatest day to go to the zoo. The first day of school!!!! If you kids are of school age I can see how this presents a problem, but for us Mothers of Tots take heed of the good advice. We had front row parking at 10:30 am, didn't have to fight off anyone to see the exhibits. The indoor playground even had EMPTY benches for parents to sit at! It was a little warm, but this is August in Texas.

Amber got married!!!

My long time friend since childhood, Amber Wood, got married in a beautiful ceremony this weekend and I was more than honored to be a part of this wonderful celebration.

Her decorations were AWESOME!!!

Wrapping up some last minute details with the sister and the minister.

Her hair was amazing!
Who's that cute couple?!

I don't have much to say other than everything was lovely and grand. Amber you looked amazing. I am so happy for you and Brandon.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Some me time.

It has been quite a long time since I have had a manicure and pedicure. To be exact it was November of last year when I had a break at an office conference in San Antonio. Obviously, I did not have a child or spouse in tow, so with another eager co worker willing to go we set off to the nearest salon.

So yesterday, it was no surprise, when the man prepping my feet said, "It's been a long time huh?" I tried to act like I didn't hear him while I was reading a current issue of People. But then he proceeded to tell me "Don't worry, we have medicines that will clear that right up." Oh my, were they seriously that bad. I mean I do own a scrubby stone and some foot soak. I think they just try to help you justify spending the money because obviously you really need to get it done.

I was glad when he started talking to his wife in a different language. I mean I am sure it was about my ugly feet but at least they saved me the embarrassment.

It was much needed (obviously), much deserved and now I am refreshed and ready to go. I am honored to be in a wedding this weekend for my lovely friend Amber. I am sure she will think my feet look pretty.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Circle of Life Learned a Little too Young.....

This story is two fold.

This weekend we went to Cabela's. I have been wanting to go for sometime and during a recent wrong turn I discovered it's location along with another hidden jewel, Sam Moon. So, I thought what a better way to get the best of both world's spend a couple of hours at Cabela's with the understanding that we would spend twice as much time in Sam Moon. We arrived just an hour shy of fish feeding time. I thought this would be something that Boston would like to see. Throw a few handfuls of fish feed pellets to get the fish stirred up and moving. Boy was I in for a surprise. You could tell the fish knew what was coming because the all assumed the position. And before I knew what was happening about 3 dozen small fish were thrown to their doom. The not so active fish suddenly became these skilled hunters and sucked up the little fish before they could even react. I sadly saw what was the look of excitement and fascination turn to horror and confusion in my child's and many others eyes. I think it was hard for the children to realize that the beloved fish they have in their bedroom named "Goldie" and in my case "Super Cat" are the perfect mid day snack being at the bottom of the food chain. So, when they were done and my traumatized child turned around, I tried to lighten the mood and said "Boy that was neat." he just hung his head and said "No, that was sad." Thankfully the attention span of a 4 year old is not long lasting and he was soon distracted by the massive African display.

My only comment about Sam Moon is that it was much like the feeding frenzy above. What is it about cheap purses and jewelry that make beloved housewives turn into viscious, purse swiping monsters? I was literally grabbing for another purse that I do not need and was inches away, maybe centimeters even when it was snagged away. Ok, it's not like there are not 10 more identical right behind it. But you go ahead, take it. I need my fingers more than I do that purse.

Ok I have skipped a few....

Blogs I mean, not work outs. I have been very strangely motivated to get up and go every morning at 5:30. This last week was a little hectic with my eating though. Therefore, I got a bad look when I showed Robin my food journal. Hey, at least I was honest and turned it in. I could have made up a lot on non sense and acted like I had been good and then have the truth burning inside of me. I have got better things to repent about. I have noticed that my group seems the most committed on the weekends though. I guess if you are already used t getting up that early during the week it just makes it that much easier on the weekends.

I am sad to admit that I did learn that my love for Sushi Rolls could be a hindrance in my diet plans. Robin said that you can count AT LEAST 100-125 calories per piece, not per roll. Oh my goodness..... so along with cookies and cream, The Oh so wonderful "Sexy Roll" will have to be reserved for rewards and special occasions.

Friday, July 31, 2009


Yes that is what I said. Boston is 4 years old, we brush twice a day, and yet it still happens. Also, did I mention that my mother in law is a dental assistant. I shame the whole family. We go Monday for our visit, we will try to get started with some xrays and if they feel like they can they will take care of filling the little "sugar spot." I am so afraid for the little guy, he knows that there is something in there because I keep messing with it everyday hoping that I can scrape it away. He is so excited about going to the dentist, and then they are going to crush his little heart. We recently had our 4 year check up the entailed of 4 shots! So everytime I mention the word DR his bottom lip quivers and his eyes swell up like he could fill a lake with his tears. I am so nervous for him, the poor guy has no clue what's coming.

how I love the rain.....

I went to bed Wednesday night full of anticipation to what the next morning would bring. It has now officially been 1 week at boot camp. The soreness has subsided in my legs, (I'm positive it will return after a morning with Emily) I woke up to thunder and lightening and the glorious sound of rain. Not that I really wanted to miss a morning work out, it's just that we meet outside so if it rains it's a no go. I am actually quite hyper when the rain comes. It puts me in my happy place, I just wish I had a window in my office. I did come home and I walk/ran 3 miles. I don't know if that measured up equal to the intensity that I endure with my trainers, (ok I know it doesn't) but at least I did something.

Food Journal
Tuesday July 28 2009
Before Work Out- 2 pieces of whole wheat toast w/ peanut butter
After Work Out- 1 cup chocolate soy smoothie w/ banana and mixed berries
Snack- Nature Valley Oats and Honey Granola Bar
Lunch- Roasted chicken breast w/ Gouda cheese and miracle whip on whole wheat, sliced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and sweet midget pickles
Snack- sliced cucumbers and 1/2 cup almonds
Dinner- grilled chicken, grilled squash, and grilled corn on the cob, 1 potato roll w/I can't believe it's not butter, orange sherbet
Wednesday July 29, 2009
BF- Special K with mixed berries and 1% milk
Snack- Nature Valley Oats and Honey granola bar
Lunch- grilled chicken pasta salad, angel food cake 1/2 cup diced strawberries 1/2 banana w/cool whip
Snack- Cantaloupe
Dinner- Chef salad w/ham and swiss ranch on side, 1 slice of cheese pizza from Pizza Place
Thursday July 30 2009
BF- Special k w/ mixed berries 1% milk
Snack- NV almond bar sweet and salty
Lunch- Grilled chicken pasta salad, orange sherbet
Snack- Almonds
Dinner- crispy taco and bean burrito, sweet tea 8oz

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

5:00 is still early.......

No matter how many times I do it. Getting up that early is hard. I think that was one of the main reasons I joined boot camp. I know they are not going to call me or run on my front lawn doing jumping jacks until I come out like some scene from Deperate Housewives. But, knowing that I paid for this and there is a group that is out there that I am some what tied to, that does get me going.

Today we met at the "Hill" or as I like to call it Calvary because I felt like I was crucified. I think that it has a very decitful appearance, you think oh it's not that steep until you wish you had a harness holding you down because one slip and your would tumble to your doom. We started out nice and easy, got the blood flowing and then it was "Run 3 hills!" Ok, 3, not so bad, the last one was rough. A fellow boot camper helped me out and told me to run on my toes, that really helped me out a lot. I wanted to thank her but as I tried to talk it sounded like a panting bull. So, I waited until the end to tell her I appreciated her advice. I thought what a relief after I finished that last hill. Oh, but Robin, she is a tricky one, we came back and worked on some core training, we do the things called Stationary Lunges, I feel like the bird thing that bobs up and down in the glass of water. Then it was back up the hill!!!! We did a total of 10 runs. HOLY CRAP IT WAS HARD!!!

I love how I feel afterwards, I mean after I catch my breath and almost vomit my peanut butter toast. No one is left behind. That's what is good about a group, no one is trying to beat you, it's all about bettering yourselves.

Some of these women really inspire me. Being 24 I can really maintain control by creating this lifestyle. It's the women who have been married for 15+ years, have children that are involved in every extra curricular activity, a husband and a home to take care of and have made the decision that they are for once putting themselves first. My biggest fear is that I will be that person who never sets aside "Me" time, I think that it is a daily struggle for moms, and we will loose if we don't address it now. Thanks Robin for kicking my butt... again.
Food Log
Monday July 27
BF-Whole Wheat English Muffin
Snack- Banana and Raw Almonds
Lunch- Roasted Chicken Breast with Gouda and Mustard on Whole Wheat, Cool Ranch Doritoes
Snack- sliced orange, yellow, and red bell peppers
Dinner- Hamburger Helper with 1% milk and extra lean ground beef w/ pan seared asparagus made w/ EVOO salt and pepper.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh the Weekend

It wasn't too hard to get up Saturday. I just had to lift one leg at a time out of the bed, I had to walk on the balls of my feet because my calves were screaming. I reached for my hairbrush and had to hold up one arm with the other to get my hair pulled back. All in all I was doing ok. I grabbed some peanut butter toast, my water, and headed out the door. We were pretty fortunate, the weather was more like a morning in March than July. We had a great breeze going, got some oxygen in my lungs. I was early, and got there shortly before to meet Robin. She reminds me a lot of my High School trainer, which was probably, ok definitely, the healthiest, fittest time of my life. I didn't realize that I was twisting my hands anxiously around my bottle until she asked if I was nervous. I pathetically jump and whelped out NO. Guess I screwed up that first impression.
We met at one of the local parks, I was surprised to not see everyone from the class before. Apparently, on Saturday mornings, all of the classes combine for a big group workout, there was about 15 of us. Somehow I managed to get smack in the middle beside the girl that Robin, the other instructor, liked to use as an example. Not that I am real competitive, but my brain goes crazy and I guess it thinks that I have to try and keep up with Turbo Girl. I don't even think that she broke a sweat. It was a great workout. So great in fact that I forgot about the pain in my legs in calves, or maybe I just went numb. Can't wait for Tuesday.
Food Log:
Thursday July 23
BF-2 Pieces of Whole Wheat Toast w/pb (One before and after workout)
Snack- 1 cup of fruit (cantaloupe, grapes, watermelon, and honey dew)
Lunch- 1/2 club sandwich from Yesterdays w/ 1/2 bag Baked Lays 2 glasses of Pink Lemonade
Snack- 1/2 cup of Raw Almonds
Dinner- Whole Wheat Bread turkey, American cheese, miracle whip sandwich w/cool ranch Doritos
Dessert- cup of orange sherbet
Friday July 24
BF- Whole Wheat English Muffin, Home made Smoothie (1 c orange juice, 1 banana, 1/2 cup plain yogurt, 1/2 frozen peach)
Lunch- Dan Dan Noodles from Pei Wei, 2 crab won tons and an egg roll, with Orange Tea
Dinner- Grilled Chicken salad with cheese, no croutons, Ranch on Side
Saturday July 25
BF- 2 piece whole wheat toast w/ pb
Snack- Nature Valley Granola Oats and Honey
Lunch- Turkey, swiss, mustard, tomato on Kaiser Roll, 1 cup of strawberries
Baby Shower Confessions- 1 marshmallow with chocolate, 1 bite of marble cake.
Snack- 1/2 cup of Almonds
Dinner- Century Noodles from Golden Moon, egg roll, and egg drop soup.
Sunday July 26
BF- 2 piece whole wheat toast w/ pb, 8 oz of 1% white milk
Lunch- 12 chips with salsa, tablespoon of guacamole, OTB House salad with ranch on side, 1/2 crispy chicken taco, black beans.
Snack- Plum and Spacial K w/ Berries and 1% milk
Handful of Almonds
Dinner- Spring mix salad with baby spinach, grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, balsamic breeze spritzer dressing, pan seared squash with EVOO, salt and pepper.
Dessert- Angle Food Cake w/ fresh strawberries, 1/2 banana, and cool whip

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 1

What the heck have I gotten my self into?! Let me start off by saying that you know it's going to be hard when your trainer says, "Despite the rumors, I am not Hitler...... Welcome to H*%#." (I added that last part.) I started off the workout feeling pretty good she had us walk around the square once, and then once more running to warm up. Not bad, I was almost at the front. I could have been first but I thought it wouldn't be good to start the morning knocking someone down so I could come out on top just to be flattened 5 minutes later.
We started off with lunges, then push-ups, the 1 minute of Jumping Jacks and repeated the process 3 times. Doesn't sound too bad, have you ever did jumping jacks for 1 minute, harder than it sounds. Then we ran, again, I could barely keep my feet out in front, but I made it running the whole time.
Next it was squats, I wanted to tell her that I didn't need my legs to get any bigger, jokingly, she didn't think it was funny. So I did them all, 75 of them. Next came tricep dips, not too bad, then MORE SQUATS. COME ON! Then we ran some more. This time was definitely harder, I had to think about running over Emily (our trainer) every time my foot came off of what felt like quicksand, one foot at a time. I know they are supposed to be supportive, and when you get done you really appreciate what they have done. But do they really have to be able to run in front of you, beside you, and backwards shrieking words of encouragement? I really need to work on my cardio at home that way the next time won't be such a killer. Looking around, I realized I was still in the middle of were everyone else was, not too bad. No one was smiling anymore, except for the trainer, I think I saw her eyes turn a shade of red every time she gave us a new task. Then she announced we were almost done, finally we got to go inside to work out our abs. And boy did we. I thought this was going to be a cinch. I know the rules of working out, especially #1 keep breathing. I thought I was doing well, until I stood up and almost passed out while all of the oxygen came back to my head. All in all it was a good morning. Need to work on my stretches at home tonight.
Oh yeah food journal from July 22, 2009
Breakfast- 1 piece of cinnamon raisin toast, home-made smoothie consisting of 1 cup of orange juice, 1/2 c yogurt, 1 banana, 6 frozen strawberries, and 6 frozen peaches.
Snack- Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Almond Granola Bar
Lunch- 1/2 potato with cheese, tbl spoon of sour cream, tbl spoon of margarine, s & p, Baby Spinach with Ceasar Spritzer Dressing
Snack- Orange
Dinner- 6 0z prime rib, other 1/2 of potato
I did well UNTIL Stephen wanted a treat and I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies, I think I ate 2 cookies in batter.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blast Ball

So, maybe not the whole of this blog will be "Boot Camp" I have a family too.
We just finished Blast Ball this month and it was great. Leaps and bounds better than it was last year. We were lucky to get on a great team that the coaches and parents wanted to help, and the kids enjoyed it for the most part. The last game was played at the Youth Ball Park in Arlington. They announced their names every time they went to bat. The kids thought that was pretty cool. Not to mention the music. And of course Boston danced to everything!

So I think Boston only cried a couple of time. Mostly because it was 200 degrees in June in Texas. I don't know why they choose to have games at 5 pm in the hottest part of the day.

He was aggressive at times.

They even played the National Anthem. That was pretty cool.

I think he was done at this point.

I think that this is too cute!

Made Daddy Proud!

Till Next Year!