Monday, August 10, 2009

The Circle of Life Learned a Little too Young.....

This story is two fold.

This weekend we went to Cabela's. I have been wanting to go for sometime and during a recent wrong turn I discovered it's location along with another hidden jewel, Sam Moon. So, I thought what a better way to get the best of both world's spend a couple of hours at Cabela's with the understanding that we would spend twice as much time in Sam Moon. We arrived just an hour shy of fish feeding time. I thought this would be something that Boston would like to see. Throw a few handfuls of fish feed pellets to get the fish stirred up and moving. Boy was I in for a surprise. You could tell the fish knew what was coming because the all assumed the position. And before I knew what was happening about 3 dozen small fish were thrown to their doom. The not so active fish suddenly became these skilled hunters and sucked up the little fish before they could even react. I sadly saw what was the look of excitement and fascination turn to horror and confusion in my child's and many others eyes. I think it was hard for the children to realize that the beloved fish they have in their bedroom named "Goldie" and in my case "Super Cat" are the perfect mid day snack being at the bottom of the food chain. So, when they were done and my traumatized child turned around, I tried to lighten the mood and said "Boy that was neat." he just hung his head and said "No, that was sad." Thankfully the attention span of a 4 year old is not long lasting and he was soon distracted by the massive African display.

My only comment about Sam Moon is that it was much like the feeding frenzy above. What is it about cheap purses and jewelry that make beloved housewives turn into viscious, purse swiping monsters? I was literally grabbing for another purse that I do not need and was inches away, maybe centimeters even when it was snagged away. Ok, it's not like there are not 10 more identical right behind it. But you go ahead, take it. I need my fingers more than I do that purse.

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