You know children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers.
John J. Plomp
I think that I am starting to nest. I've been cleaning a lot, actually I think I've created more messes than I've made progress, but that's besides the point. Boston and the Baby will share a room, not right away, we plan to put the crib in our room and when we feel the time is right we will merge the Baby in the room with him. But the closets are the first things that must be conquered. Boston has a really good size closet, the only problem is that one half has been a catch all for the past 5 years. It's times like these that I realize why you never stay in the first house that you buy. Even if it were just Boston we need more space!! Where I am going to put all of this stuff?! So away things went some made it to the trash, others respectively made it to the yard sale pile. When am I going to have time for a yard sale.... toys that have not been played with in over a year suddenly were resurrected into Boston's "Favorite thing that he has been looking for over 100 years!", his words not mine. I pulled out a HUGE bag of stuffed animals and tell him he can pick out four to keep, I figured that was fair considering he had almost triple that on his bed already. He has become quite the negotiator, oh the things we teach our kids with out even knowing it. I didn't even get a chance to go through the toy box yet, I am holding off on throwing away a years worth of McDonald's valuable prizes when the little eyes are not around.
The one thing that got me emotional was when I was going through his clothes. Maybe it's the hormones, maybe it's the sound of the cash register going through my head knowing he only got to wear this shirt one time and now it will have to be replaced with a bigger, more expensive one. Gone are the days of $3.99 tops and shorts in the toddler section, what is over the horizon is the $8.99 (5/6) sizes in the little boys section that I swear are only 1/2 inch bigger and are not near is cute and the choices are twice as slim. (If you are a mother of a boy you know what I am talking about. I think that the girls section is slowing creeping it's way over into the polos and cargo shorts that I adore so much.)
But seriously, my little baby is turning into a Boy! I think that this has been happening for quite some time and I have just failed to accept it. No more, "Mommy can you help me?", it's now "Mom, look what I did! Aren't you proud?!" Of course I am, I beam every time he says Please and Thank You, every time he tells me he knows Jesus Loves Him, I just can't believe it has all happened so fast. We talk about our days, what he did, how much he helped at daycare. Diane (his daycare teacher) tells me how lucky the Baby and I are going to be because he is such a help to her. I know this already but fully soak in his praises and tell her Thank you and that I know we are blessed.
As I fold away the last shirt that is too small I sit and think about what is to come. How will we incorporate the Baby into our lives, how will I love him or her as much as I do Boston. I know I will, I know it will happen, but the love I have for Boston is overwhelming. He is such a good kid, he is the reason I want to stay home on a Friday night and play Sorry, or Guess Who with a frozen pizza instead of a fancy restaurant for dinner. These are the days that I will remember forever. I went to bed that night sad and happy all at the same time. I guess pregnancy does that to you. Sad that a chapter in our life is closing and happy, no ecstatic that a new one is about to begin.
John J. Plomp
I think that I am starting to nest. I've been cleaning a lot, actually I think I've created more messes than I've made progress, but that's besides the point. Boston and the Baby will share a room, not right away, we plan to put the crib in our room and when we feel the time is right we will merge the Baby in the room with him. But the closets are the first things that must be conquered. Boston has a really good size closet, the only problem is that one half has been a catch all for the past 5 years. It's times like these that I realize why you never stay in the first house that you buy. Even if it were just Boston we need more space!! Where I am going to put all of this stuff?! So away things went some made it to the trash, others respectively made it to the yard sale pile. When am I going to have time for a yard sale.... toys that have not been played with in over a year suddenly were resurrected into Boston's "Favorite thing that he has been looking for over 100 years!", his words not mine. I pulled out a HUGE bag of stuffed animals and tell him he can pick out four to keep, I figured that was fair considering he had almost triple that on his bed already. He has become quite the negotiator, oh the things we teach our kids with out even knowing it. I didn't even get a chance to go through the toy box yet, I am holding off on throwing away a years worth of McDonald's valuable prizes when the little eyes are not around.
The one thing that got me emotional was when I was going through his clothes. Maybe it's the hormones, maybe it's the sound of the cash register going through my head knowing he only got to wear this shirt one time and now it will have to be replaced with a bigger, more expensive one. Gone are the days of $3.99 tops and shorts in the toddler section, what is over the horizon is the $8.99 (5/6) sizes in the little boys section that I swear are only 1/2 inch bigger and are not near is cute and the choices are twice as slim. (If you are a mother of a boy you know what I am talking about. I think that the girls section is slowing creeping it's way over into the polos and cargo shorts that I adore so much.)
But seriously, my little baby is turning into a Boy! I think that this has been happening for quite some time and I have just failed to accept it. No more, "Mommy can you help me?", it's now "Mom, look what I did! Aren't you proud?!" Of course I am, I beam every time he says Please and Thank You, every time he tells me he knows Jesus Loves Him, I just can't believe it has all happened so fast. We talk about our days, what he did, how much he helped at daycare. Diane (his daycare teacher) tells me how lucky the Baby and I are going to be because he is such a help to her. I know this already but fully soak in his praises and tell her Thank you and that I know we are blessed.
As I fold away the last shirt that is too small I sit and think about what is to come. How will we incorporate the Baby into our lives, how will I love him or her as much as I do Boston. I know I will, I know it will happen, but the love I have for Boston is overwhelming. He is such a good kid, he is the reason I want to stay home on a Friday night and play Sorry, or Guess Who with a frozen pizza instead of a fancy restaurant for dinner. These are the days that I will remember forever. I went to bed that night sad and happy all at the same time. I guess pregnancy does that to you. Sad that a chapter in our life is closing and happy, no ecstatic that a new one is about to begin.
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