Today we met at the "Hill" or as I like to call it Calvary because I felt like I was crucified. I think that it has a very decitful appearance, you think oh it's not that steep until you wish you had a harness holding you down because one slip and your would tumble to your doom. We started out nice and easy, got the blood flowing and then it was "Run 3 hills!" Ok, 3, not so bad, the last one was rough. A fellow boot camper helped me out and told me to run on my toes, that really helped me out a lot. I wanted to thank her but as I tried to talk it sounded like a panting bull. So, I waited until the end to tell her I appreciated her advice. I thought what a relief after I finished that last hill. Oh, but Robin, she is a tricky one, we came back and worked on some core training, we do the things called Stationary Lunges, I feel like the bird thing that bobs up and down in the glass of water. Then it was back up the hill!!!! We did a total of 10 runs. HOLY CRAP IT WAS HARD!!!

I love how I feel afterwards, I mean after I catch my breath and almost vomit my peanut butter toast. No one is left behind. That's what is good about a group, no one is trying to beat you, it's all about bettering yourselves.
Some of these women really inspire me. Being 24 I can really maintain control by creating this lifestyle. It's the women who have been married for 15+ years, have children that are involved in every extra curricular activity, a husband and a home to take care of and have made the decision that they are for once putting themselves first. My biggest fear is that I will be that person who never sets aside "Me" time, I think that it is a daily struggle for moms, and we will loose if we don't address it now. Thanks Robin for kicking my butt... again.
Food Log
Monday July 27
BF-Whole Wheat English Muffin
Snack- Banana and Raw Almonds
Lunch- Roasted Chicken Breast with Gouda and Mustard on Whole Wheat, Cool Ranch Doritoes
Snack- sliced orange, yellow, and red bell peppers
Dinner- Hamburger Helper with 1% milk and extra lean ground beef w/ pan seared asparagus made w/ EVOO salt and pepper.
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