This year has been full of blessings big and small. I have to pause sometimes because I get wrapped up in the day to day drama that is life and forget what real troubles are. I am thankful for a Gracious God that continues to give me life with my family, my husband, and my beautiful children. I am thankful Stephen and I have been chosen to raise children to be lights in this dark world. I am thankful for our jobs, in this time of recession I do not have to worry if it will be there tomorrow. I am thankful, while there is always something that comes up to spend it all, we have the money to take care of our daily needs. I am thankful for my extended family, that they are always near, and will respond in a heart beat if needed. I am thankful for a healthy family, that my children get to experience generations of family that most only see in pictures. The older that I get, the more things fall into perspective. The holidays are not about shopping and gifts, they are about reflection and thanksgiving. They are here to remind us the true meanings in life, the blessings we have and to never forget the ones we did. It is a wonderful time to be thankful.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
3 months old
I must give myself credit, I am only 3 days late. Graham turned 3 months on Tuesday November 16. He is such a sweet baby, he is sleeping through the night and growing too quickly. He has started to coo and squeal and it is the sweetest thing. He loves his big brother and smiles every time he sees him. I am estimating him to be around 15+ pounds. We will go for our 4 month check up next month so I will have more accurate measurements then. He loves tummy time and could suck on his thumb all day if I let him.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
November 8, 2003
Seven years ago. The day that my life started making sense. God put Stephen and I together for a purpose, and has since poured his many blessings into our lives. I am thankful for my husband and praise God for allowing us to find each other at such a young age. Everyday I fall more in love with him and the family we have been blessed to have. I love you so much Stephen. Here's to forever.
Halloween 2010
I can not believe that October has already come and gone. It was a beautiful day this year and the kids looked great! Ok I am kind of biased.
Boston was a Viper Ninja and he so got into his character! I don't know what it is about little boys and martial arts, but it was hilarious!
My Little Monkey! Graham is over 2 months old in this picture.
I couldn't help myself. This is the one time of year that you can dress up and it is some what acceptable.
I'm the one on the right, the cat, haha :)
What a sweet baby and his daddy. Every time I see him with his boys I think how lucky we are.
I hope that you all had a safe and Happy Halloween. I can't wait for the rest of the holidays to get here!
Boston Started School
I can not believe it, my little baby is a boy and he is starting school. After being home with Graham for a week, he still loves his bubba, but he was ready.
Standing outside the school. He has grown up so much!
I don't have much to say about this day, other than there were many highs and a few lows. I did cry as we walked out the door. Stephen look at me like I was a nut. We are now 12 weeks in to school and he has done awesome every single day. He loves to color now, which is a HUGE accomplishment, he is reading and his writing is getting better every day. He has made so many new friends and he comes home with some of the silliest stories. Where has time gone, how in the world do I have a 5 year old and new born.
God is Good.
Friday, October 15, 2010
We Have A Baby
August 16 2010, a day that will forever be ingrained in my heart. My little family is complete. Graham Ross Cox made his appearance into this world and has continued to be a blessing every day.
We were so excited to get to the hospital, I do not think that I slept at all the night before. It didn't really matter, I hadn't got much sleep in those last few weeks anyways.
Labor was uneventful, you were ready pretty quick to get out of that snug belly, and to be blunt, I was ready to evict you too!Your arrived at 4:03 pm on August 16, 2010 weighing 9lbs 9oz and 21 1/2 inches long! How in the world did you fit inside of me?!
As soon as you were in my arms, my world was complete. Any doubts of being able to love you enough vanished immediately.
Daddy was a little overwhelmed, he had his boys what more could you want?
Boston is the sweetest brother. When I came in to the room to meet Graham, it was priceless. God has certainly blessed me with the most selfless 5yr old I know.
He couldn't keep his eyes off of his little brother. (makes my heart melt)
Our first photo as a family of 4!
Dr. Deem is an amazing doctor. I am so fortunate to have someone as caring as she is.
Graham Ross Cox August 16 2010 9lb 9oz 21 1/2inches
Thursday, July 1, 2010
July and Pregnant
Two things that don't go well together. It really hasn't been that bad. I work in an office where it is pleasantly 73 degrees. Sometimes, I still get cold chills. Sno-cones have been a life saver, even though they are crammed with sugar, I could go sugar-free, but where is the fun it that! The summer is passing us by very quickly, but I have had a few opportunities to jump in a pool. Now, pregnancy and swimsuits, definitely 2 things that should never go together! It is what it is, call me a beached whale, but I love my black stretchy suit. Give me a few water noodles, ok by a few at least 4, and I am good to stay afloat.
I am 33 1/2 weeks today! Only 6 1/2 more to go.
The doctor will measure at the end of this month to see how big this Little One is. IF he is following in Boston's footsteps, 9lb 9oz 22 in, then we may induce the week of August 9th. I am not to worried though, I did it once, I can do it again. We are patiently awaiting the arrival of Graham Ross Cox. Please pray that we are able to enjoy these last few weeks!
I am 33 1/2 weeks today! Only 6 1/2 more to go.
The doctor will measure at the end of this month to see how big this Little One is. IF he is following in Boston's footsteps, 9lb 9oz 22 in, then we may induce the week of August 9th. I am not to worried though, I did it once, I can do it again. We are patiently awaiting the arrival of Graham Ross Cox. Please pray that we are able to enjoy these last few weeks!
Boston is 5!!!
Ok so I know this post is a little over due. Boston turned 5 in May!!! I know I am terrible. Better late than never right?! He has turned into such a little man. Her is a few (cough, cough) pictures of him over the past 3 years! I love you Boston and I am so proud to be your Mommy!
This is from June of 2007He hated this costume!! It was in September of 2007 for his cousins bday costume party!
First Big Snow March, yes March, 2008
Peach Pedal 2008 Go Daddy Go!!
Circus October 2008

Baseball 2009

Christmas 2009

Birthday 2010 My Big Boy!!
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